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By-Laws and Operating Ruls

1.  The name of the organization shall be the Maritime Modelers 

Maritime Modelers is a Family oriented club for R/C Boat Modelers​ (Sail, Electric or Steam)


2.  Objectives – The Aim and purpose shall be:

a) To bring together modelers for the operation and running of (Sail, Electric and Steam) powered

     model boats and ships.

b) To promote model boating as well as good fellowship in a relaxed and non-structured atmosphere.


3.  Membership – Any person interested in the objectives of the organization shall be eligible to apply. 

                             Applications shall be reviewed and Approved (or Declined) by a simple majority of the officers.


There shall be three classes of membership

  1. Adult Operating Members – Any person over the age of eighteen (18) with a completed operating model.

  2. Adult Non-Operating Member - Any person over the age of eighteen (18) without a completed operating model. These persons may not operate boats but may attend meetings etc.

  3. Junior Operating Members – Any person eighteen (18) years or younger with a completed operating model. Junior members must be sponsored by an Adult Operating Member.


4.  Officers -  There shall be four *(4) officers, all of whom must be members in good standing

  1. *President –

  2. *Vice-President –

  3. *Secretary

  4. *Treasurer


5.  Management – The management of the organization shall be vested in the four (4) club officers with the 

                              immediate Past  President acting in an advisory capacity.


6.  Elections – The officers shall be elected by a majority of the Active members and serve a term of two (2) years. 

                       The official club year shall run from April 4th.

                       Elections for the new officers shall be held before the end of the  official club year.


7.  Dues,  Fees and Assessments:

a)  The amount of dues, fees and assessments payable by each member shall be set by a majority vote

      of the members in  good standing after a recommendation of the club officers.

b)  Dues are payable on or before the 15th of March of each year.

     Fees and assessments are required upon the acceptance by the membership.


8.  “Member in Good Standing” – Shall mean that the member’s dues, fees; and assessments have been paid and

                                                       the member is considered eligible to vote at club meetings.


9.  Meetings  -  Club meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President and at least once Annually.


10.  Decisions and Rulings.

 a)  In the event an executive decision is needed, the officers shall vote and a majority vote shall rule.

 b)  If a situation is present that is considered unsafe or constitutes a hazard, the officers will decide what

      shall be done  through a vote and a majority vote shall rule.


Original         May  15, 1985
Last Revised June 10, 2001

For More Club Information Contact

Ron DeSimone (714) 932-9257

Gene Sauter (626) 968-4856

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